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Red Card Notice

Updated: May 30

edited to not show the same image twice with different titles. 29 May24

This Past weekend at the Alamo GT, I the judge was found to be at fault and was bamboozled by one player in particular. Round 6 of the top table it was asked if the Storm Ravens wings can be charged. While at the table measurement showed a height of greater than the 5" engagement range preventing the charge interaction from the other players army. Later, that evening at approximately 2200, I dug out a seldom used Storm Raven, a new flying stand and a pair of GW models.

It is quite obvious that the rear of the Storm Raven can not be Charged when using models measuring from the base but can be charged when measuring from the hull. However the question at hand was can the wings be Charged and they should be able to.

So what happened with measurement, there could be a number of issues:

  1. Faulty tape measure.

  2. Modeling for Advantage.

  3. Pressing the model down from the front so as to lift it off the stem creating that distance.

  4. Poor Quality Control

The Player will receive a Red Card and a lifetime ban from Alamo Events. A pardon may be petitioned no earlier than the Alamo GT 2026

The Retroactive Red Card is being awarded due to the following reasons:

  1. The Player knew the edge case scenario should have been brought to the judge before the event and failed to personally communicate that, before or during the event.

  2. Angle Shooting

  3. Past History at previous events in the local area.

The whole Scenario is unfortunate and I Apologize to other attendees for the lack of vigilance on my part and for any poor experience the players may have had due to that. The decision to red card the player is entirely of my own choice and was not advocated for on the behalf of his opponents or influenced by any other person in the community.

--David Villareal Alamo GT Head Organizer

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Günter Müller
Günter Müller
Jun 30

just measured my own and it 5.25 high 5.5 if the front is depressed, maybe hold the measuring tape directly to the model


Liverpudlian Dream
Liverpudlian Dream
Jun 23

I sincerely hope you aren't allowed to judge tournaments again, or at least before you stop blaming other people for your corrupt behavior.


Toby Greppellini
Toby Greppellini
Jun 17

first thing first you took both pictures with the tape measure several inches from the model, why would u not have the measure up against?

secondly why are both pictures taken at different angles conveniently from the specific angles where perspective from the tape measure is lower for the "not pushed down one" and higher for the "pushed down" one shows intentional misrepresentation through perspective.

Thirdly you clearly have a full hand and a firm grip on the model in the first image which looks far more like YOU are intentionally pushing the model down to create the effect you want along with the deceptive camera angle. Why would you ever need to have your hand on the model when…


Professor Forest-Ninja
Professor Forest-Ninja
Jun 14

Sounds like the judge just had it out for the player. He deemed it was legal at the table, but later states that he's held the player as "problematic" in the past. So they needed a way to get rid of them for being unpopular. Going home and staging a scene that would "support" your vendetta against the player and just saying "trust me this is fair," is clearly putting your thumb on the scale. Does the player get to send in a picture of the model on his stove at home and argue that everything is to the rules?

Professor Forest-Ninja
Professor Forest-Ninja
Jun 14
Replying to

If planes were capable of flying low enough to be melee'd, you'd never survive the physics of getting that close to them in the first place. The speed in which flying vehicles travel means that you'd be splattered against the exterior, then you'd be mulched by the engines, and finally the welter of gore that's left of you would be charred by the exhaust.


Jesse Callaghan
Jesse Callaghan
Jun 14

This decision needs to be reversed and the judge needs to either recieve some guidance or be replaced.

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